UNESCO Associated Schools project, our high school students went to the West of Ukraine

Today, the project "LUMY-UA: Life of Ukrainian youth - understanding the meaning in the network of UNESCO Associated Schools" will start its work in one of the sanatoriums of Zakarpattia. This project is carried out in cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Ukraine. The project will be implemented in the period from September 2024 to January 2025 within the framework of the Japanese initiative "Supporting Ukraine in the field of culture and education through UNESCO".
This time, our high school students Veronika Podakina and Vladyslav Kondakov, who are well known in our Gymnasia as extraordinary and active personalities, will take part in the project. Two more participants will represent Cherkasy Secondary School No. 17 and one - Smila Lyceum "Leader".
The Principal of our gymnasia is one of the 12 coordinators of the UNESCO Associated Schools project in Ukraine, and he facilitates the work of the schools in Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions in UNESCO Associated Schools network.