
The students of the First City Gymnasia celebrated the international day of peace with a parade. They walked along Shevchenko Boulevard from their school to the building of the city Council, reminding Cherkasy dwellers about this holiday. This holiday was established by the United Nations in 1982 as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. All countries and peoples are encouraged to respect the cessation of hostilities during this day. This day in 1986 at the initiative of the philosopher and peacemaker Sri Chinmoy the symbolic Peace Walk took place for the first time. Now people in more than 100 countries take part in the Peace March every year on the UN International Day of Peace. The gymnasia students that have been participating annually in this march for several years finished it with a solemn meeting near the city Council. They were greeted by the Principal of the First City Gymnasia Serhiy Sayenko and Cherkasy Mayor Serhiy Odarych. The students greeted everybody in six languages, as their school is famous for studying languages extensively. And then, remembering that the event was taking place for the first time during the country’s waging a war, the gymnasia student Anna Babenko read a poem of her own, and her schoolmate – a prayer for Ukraine. At the end of the meeting, the children set free white doves into the sky and floated balloons of the same color as the universal symbol of peace.


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