
From February to May, 2015 Form 8A pupils from the First City Gymnasia, led by Belyaeva T. S., an English teacher, participated in the eTwinning project called “Hello, who's there?”, which was initiated by teachers from Poland and Romania.

 Pupils and teachers from such countries as Poland, Greece, Portugal, Lithuania and Romania participated in this project. The main goal of the project was the creation of presentations on different subjects and the exchange of electronic messages among students. In the course of implementing the project the pupils learned a lot about the traditions, way of life, culture and hobbies of children from around the world. They exchanged photos and emails in which they wrote about themselves and their country, put a variety of questions to pupils from other countries and created presentations on such topics as "My city", "My school" and "The System of Education in Ukraine" and uploaded them on Twinspace where pupils and teachers from other countries had the opportunity to look them over and leave their comments.