A historic event
On May 26 Mr. Leigh Turner, Her Majesty Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom to Ukraine, visited the gymnasia. Mr. Vic Jackopson, President of the International Christian Charitable Fund “Hope Now” accompanied him.
The guests were warmly met by the members of the gymnasia administration, staff and senior pupils. A photo was taken of all those present (including the Chinese delegation of teachers and students who were visiting the gymnasia) with the honorable guests.
Later the Ambassador and all guests were invited to make a tour of the gymnasia. The highlights of the tour were the reading – room and the computer lab. The guests were most interested in the history of the gymnasia fruitful cooperation with the International Christian Charitable Fund “Hope Now” and sister – school in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA which resulted in the construction of those classrooms. The financial support of “Hope Now” and personally Vic Jackopson was substantial and the gratitude of the school administration was deep and sincere.
The Ambassador was interested in the implementation of the International School Partnership Program, answered numerous questions of those present and supported the school on its way to the polylingual gymnasia of international level.
There is a strong belief that the Ambassador will help the First City Gymnasia in establishing twin – school relationship with a school in the United Kingdom which would be beneficial for both educational establishments.