
It was over a year ago that the French company BETEN INGENIERIE started researching the condition of sewerage wastes in Cherkassy. As a result, its representatives have come up with the optimal, to their mind, solution to improve the work of the regional center of garbage collection and disposal, and most importantly – for saving the environment.

On November 21, Cherkasy welcomed a large French delegation from Cannes. At noon they met the administration of the city council, the mass media representatives, and the managers of city enterprises. The principal and two students of our gymnasia were also invited as the participants of the educational program aimed at environmental protection.

Due to certain circumstances, the interpreter of the city council was absent at the beginning of the meeting and the gymnasia student Maria Samokhvalova temporarily performed their duties, which was well accepted and appreciated by all the members of the meeting.

At 4 pm, the assembly hall of FCG hosted the principals of Cherkasy schools and later the very French delegation delayed by the city council officials. As informed by the president of the company “Syvedac” Olivier Paz, Cherkasy is about to receive 18 thousand euro to help in conducting the trainings on garbage treatment culture in our city’s kindergartens and schools.

Thereafter, the gymnasia community was visited by the city Mayor Anatoly Bondarenko and his deputies Stanislav Ovcharenko and Genadiy Schevchenko. In the walls of our school, the Mayor and the representatives of the French delegation signed a joint memorandum for the nearest perspective.

The principal as well as the French teacher of our gymnasia T. G. Mokrushina also communicated with the foreign guests.

In the picture: after the meeting in Mayor’s office – a photo with the youth.