
The twelfth international exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions" and the exhibition of the education abroad "World Edu" http://www.vsosvita.com.ua were being held from May 26 to May 28 in the Kyiv Palace of Sports.

They were organized and conducted by the Exhibition World Company with the informational, methodological, and organizational support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the State Scientific Institution "Institute for Modernization of Educational Content".

The gymnasia teaching staff submitted to the exhibition the work describing the experience of distance learning. In the nomination "Using digital tools to ensure effective distance and blended learning" in crisis conditions, we were honored with a Gold Medal.

The collection of works contained the creative dossiers of the gymnasia principal S.I. Sayenko, vice principal Y.V. Pais, N.V. Khvorostantseva, S.S. Demesheva, V.I. Yularzhi, O.V. Naumenko, O.M. Omelyanenko, A.V. Mekh, S.V. Mikhnovska, T.A. Pourets, I.A. Radko, V.A. Silenko, K.O. Sukhenko, E.A. Kovalenko, N.K. Karnaukhova, O.S. Zorina, and N. Pruchnyak. The technical support of the project was provided by the computer science teacher O.I. Chekh. By the order of the gymnasia principal, all project participants will be awarded with cash prizes.